Logos Bible Study Membership
500+ Hours of Logos Bible Study Video Courses
Covering the entire Bible - Genesis through Revelation
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“The best Bible study I’ve ever been through.”
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When you subscribe as a Logos student, you gain:
Unlimited access to all Logos online courses (so you can study at your own pace, anywhere, anytime, on any device)
Access to Dr. Creasy’s live Zoom “Office Hours” each Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 AM – noon (Pacific Time)
Access to our “Featured Course” each academic quarter
(January – March; April – June; July – September; October – December). The course will be from the Course Catalogue, beginning with Genesis. The featured course will be paced across each 10-week quarter, and will include weekly live 2-hour Zoom discussion sections with Dr. Creasy and your fellow Logos students.Priority registration for all Logos Teaching Tours
And much more…
All just $19.95/month!
(Risk-free! You can cancel anytime, no questions asked.)